ข้อสอบ BMAT (Past papers)
∘∘∘ ปี 2019 ∘∘∘
BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test) คือ ข้อสอบสำหรับผู้ที่มีความประสงค์ศึกษาต่อหลักสูตรทางด้านการแพทย์ ผลิตโดย Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing ซึ่งเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของมหาวิทยาลัยเคมบริดจ์ BMAT สามารถสอบได้เพียงครั้งเดียวเท่านั้นต่อหนึ่งรอบการสอบแอดมิชชั่น
BMAT มีระยะเวลาสอบ 2 ชั่วโมง ข้อสอบเป็นแบบเขียนบนกระดาษ แบ่งเป็น 3 ส่วน
1. Thinking skills (ทักษะการคิด) ทดสอบทักษะทั่วไปในการแก้ปัญหาและการคิดวิเคราะห์ เป็นคำถามแบบมีตัวเลือก 32 ข้อ ระยะเวลา 60 นาที
2. Scientific Knowledge and Applications (ความรู้ทางวิทยาศาสตร์และการประยุกต์ใช้) ทดสอบความสามารถในการนำความรู้ทางวิทยาศาสตร์และคณิตศาสตร์ที่ได้เรียนจนถึงมัธยมปลายในโรงเรียนไปประยุกต์ใช้เป็นคำถามแบบมีตัวเลือก 27 ข้อ ระยะเวลา 30 นาที
3. Writing Task (การสอบข้อเขียน) ทดสอบความสามารถในการเลือกพัฒนาและจัดการแนวคิด และสื่อสารผ่านการเขียนได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพและกระชับได้ใจความ เป็นการสอบข้อเขียนหนึ่งข้อจากคำถามสามข้อให้เลือก ระยะเวลา 30 นาที
อ่านข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ : https://www.admissionstesting.org/campaigns/bmat-thailand/
ปี 2019
1. The total cost of a flight between two cities is made up of three parts: a basic cost, taxes and a booking fee. Last year, for any flight, the basic cost and the taxes were in the ratio 3 : 2 and the booking fee was fixed at $50. This year, the basic cost of a flight has been increased by 20%, the taxes have been increased by 10% and the booking fee has been halved.
What is the new total cost of a flight that last year cost a total of $330?
A $335.00
B $344.20
C $349.80
D $374.80
E $407.80
เฉลย: C $349.80
2. The rise of the internet-connected smartphone and similar devices poses a risk to the ties that bind us together within society. It is true that for many people, these devices provide ready access to a wealth of information and help them to maintain existing interpersonal relationships and to develop new ones. Yet the devices can also act as a significant obstacle within one of the most important relationships of all: that between a young child and his or her caregivers. With many users of smartphones checking them hundreds of times a day, psychologists are increasingly worried about the potential ‘cyber effect’ of parents and others shifting more of their attention away from the young children around them. Eye contact and other features of face-to-face ‘real world’ interaction are essential for the social and emotional development of young children.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
A In previous generations, families across the world tended to have larger numbers of children.
B Internet-connected devices help some people who find face-to-face interactions difficult cope better with day-to-day life.
C More young children are now being entertained with videos and other content on smartphones rather than being encouraged to interact with people around them.
D In a hundred years or so, many households in both poor and rich countries will own robots that are capable of interacting with us as if they were human.
เฉลย: C More young children are now being entertained with videos and other content on smartphones rather than being encouraged to interact with people around them.
3. The table shows details of six hire cars.

I will need to hire a car for my holiday and I have a number of requirements. I want to pick up the car at the hotel at the beginning of the holiday, but drop it off at the airport at the end of the holiday. The car must have a sun roof and air con. However, I do not want a car above 1600 cc, and I can only afford to pay up to $160 for 7 day hire.
Which one of the six cars suits my requirements?
A Ashla
B Bezza
C Cronal
D Dega
E Elox
F Fire
เฉลย: C Cronal
4. It never fails. The only time both political parties are willing to work together in the US Congress is when they’re cooking up really bad ideas. If they’ve found a new way to cause trouble, reduce freedom, or generally damage the health of the nation, they work together just fine. This time, the brilliant idea is a sales tax on goods bought on the internet, similar to the current sales tax imposed upon goods bought in physical stores. If the economy is to get stronger, charging consumers more is not a wise move. A tremendous number of people buy online, and if the cost of buying online increases, internet sales will go down, and companies will sell fewer products and have lower profits. Net tax receipts will therefore be less, which means that states and the federal government will collect less revenue, and have less to spend on things like education and healthcare. This is why an internet sales tax is such an unbelievably bad idea.
Which one of the following best expresses the flaw in the above argument?
A It attacks the people who came up with the idea rather than the idea itself.
B It fails to take into account the possibility that people who would have bought online will buy from physical stores instead.
C It wrongly proceeds on the basis that the economy will suffer only if sales fall.
D It assumes that, if internet sales fall after introducing an internet sales tax, then the introduction of an internet sales tax will have been the cause of the falling sales.
เฉลย: B It fails to take into account the possibility that people who would have bought online will buy from physical stores instead.
5. The transparent box shown below has identical arrows painted on one pair of opposite faces.

[diagram not to scale]
Which one of these nets will not fold up to make the box?

เฉลย: B
6. How much value does a particular new product or service bring to our lives? This is hard to quantify, and yet traditional economics has provided us with a neat means for doing so: look at how much it costs. In a free market economy, how much something costs tells us how much people are prepared to pay for it. And how much people are prepared to pay for something is a direct sign of how much they value it. The problem with this model – using the market price to assess value – is that it is starting to break down with new technologies. Many of the products and services we value most, including popular apps and social media platforms, are provided for free. While there may indeed be a cost, such as a loss of privacy, this is not a financial cost.
Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above passage?
A It is impossible to measure the true value of any given product or service.
B There is no such thing as the true or real value of a given product or service.
C We need to find alternatives to using cost if we want to measure the value of a product or service.
D If we want to determine the actual value of a product or service, there are more serious costs to consider than merely financial ones.
เฉลย: C We need to find alternatives to using cost if we want to measure the value of a product or service.
7. A medical consultant devises a test to diagnose the presence or absence of a particular disease in children. After many years the test proves itself to be 90% accurate. In other words, on 10% of tests done on children who do actually have the disease, the test will erroneously indicate that they do not have it. These 10% of tests are known as ‘false negatives’. Similarly, on 10% of tests done on children who do not actually have the disease, the test indicates incorrectly that they do have it. These 10% of tests are known as ‘false positives’.
The hospital serving a small town tests 1000 children for the presence of the disease. The table below provides the results as expected in terms of the test’s 90% accuracy level.

If a child has a positive test result, what is the probability that s/he does actually have the disease?
A 72 out of 92 (approx. 78%)
B 828 out of 1,000 (approx. 83%)
C 836 out of 920 (approx. 91%)
D 164 out of 836 (approx. 20%)
E 72 out of 164 (approx. 44%)
เฉลย: E 72 out of 164 (approx. 44%)
Questions 8-11 refer to the following information.
The gender pay gap is calculated as the difference between the average hourly earnings of men and the average hourly earnings of women, expressed as a proportion of the average hourly earnings of men. In 2017, average weekly earnings for full-time employees in the UK were £550, up 2.2% from £539 in 2016. Men were paid more than women on average: for full time employees, the gender pay gap was 9.1%, down from 9.4% in 2016. This is the lowest since the survey began in 1997, when the gap was 17.4%, although it has changed relatively little in recent years.
A recent study used statistical analysis to calculate the percentage of the gender pay gap (for all employees) that can be explained by factors such as common differences between the kinds of job that men and women do. It found that a proportion of the gap is due to the fact that more men are in senior roles in companies, which means they are in jobs which have a higher salary attached to them, and also because relatively more women work part time, which is paid less per hour. But when the analysts adjusted for these factors they found that they could only account for 36% of the average hourly pay gap. The rest (64%) was still unexplained, raising the possibility that discriminatory behaviour by employers might be partly responsible.
The analysts said that this did not mean that two thirds of the gap must be attributable to pay discrimination by employers, because women’s relative academic qualifications and domestic caring responsibilities are also likely to be factors that they did not capture in their modelling exercise. But they did say that pay discrimination might be part of the explanation for the unexplained gap. Figure 1 outlines how the factors that were investigated contributed to the explained part of the gap.
Figure 1
Percentage of the gender pay gap accounted for by variation in other explanatory factors

8. Which one of the following could be drawn as a conclusion about the role of discrimination in the gender pay gap?
A The fact that more men than women are in senior roles in companies is evidence of discrimination.
B The fact that two thirds of the gender pay gap cannot be explained proves that some of it is the result of discrimination.
C Another study, which takes into account factors not considered in this one, will provide greater evidence of discrimination.
D There is no evidence to support the suggestion that the gender pay gap may be partly the result of discrimination.
E The extent to which discrimination is responsible for the gender pay gap is not known.
เฉลย: E The extent to which discrimination is responsible for the gender pay gap is not known.
9. Assume that the numbers of women and men working full-time are the same.
What were the approximate average weekly earnings of women in full-time employment in 2017?
A £450
B £475
C £500
D £525
E £550
เฉลย: D £525
10. Figure 1 indicates that one of the factors that partly explain the gender pay gap is tenure (length of time in current post). Which of the following statements is/are consistent with this finding?
1 Women tend to have longer tenures in their jobs than men, and the longer someone’s tenure in their job, the greater their average hourly earnings.
2 Women tend to have shorter tenures in their jobs than men, and the longer someone’s tenure in their job, the greater their average hourly earnings.
3 Men tend to have longer tenures in their jobs than women, and the longer someone’s tenure in their job, the smaller their average hourly earnings.
4 Men tend to have shorter tenures in their jobs than women, and the longer someone’s tenure in their job, the smaller their average hourly earnings.
A 1 only
B 2 only
C 3 only
D 4 only
E 1 and 3 only
F 1 and 4 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 2 and 4 only
เฉลย: H 2 and 4 only
11. Between 1997 and 2016, the average hourly earnings of men working full-time rose by approximately 75%.
Assume that the numbers of women and men working full-time were the same during this period.
By approximately what percentage did the average hourly earnings of women working full-time rise in the same period?
A 59%
B 67%
C 75%
D 83%
E 92%
F 100%
เฉลย: E 92%
12. A ferry company operates a route between port X and port Y with the following daily timetable:

The crossing takes 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the ferries need to spend at least 1 hour in port to unload and reload before their next sailing. The ferries operate throughout the day, and ports X and Y are in the same time zone.
How many ferries does the company need to operate this timetable?
A 3
B 4
C 5
D 6
E 8
เฉลย: C 5
13. The standard price for a cup of coffee in Italy is €1 (about £1), but in the UK you can be charged as much as £4. But why? The biggest part of the cost of serving a cup of coffee certainly isn’t the coffee. The most significant cost is staff wages, though in fact that’s not the key difference. It’s the difference in drinking culture that has the greatest effect on the difference of the price of a cup of coffee: British coffee drinkers spend far longer on a coffee than Italians, who order a coffee at the bar and drink it standing up, allowing Italian cafés to make more sales for the same costs. The opposite extreme is in Greece, where people sit over a single coffee for hours. As a result, Greece has some of the most expensive coffees in Europe, despite having lower wages.
Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
A The biggest part of the cost of serving a cup of coffee is not the coffee but the staff wages.
B The difference in drinking culture has the greatest effect on the difference in the price of a cup of coffee.
C Greece has some of the most expensive coffees in Europe, despite having lower wages.
D Italians who order a coffee at the bar and drink it standing up allow Italian cafés to make more sales for the same costs.
เฉลย: B The difference in drinking culture has the greatest effect on the difference in the price of a cup of coffee.
14. Terence drew the bar chart below to represent the sales from his shop on each day from Monday to Friday last week.

He also drew the following pie chart, but forgot to include one of the days.

Which day was missed out on the pie chart?
A Monday
B Tuesday
C Wednesday
D Thursday
E Friday
เฉลย: C Wednesday
15. People seem to love words that give a sense of size, terms like ‘umpteen’ and ‘zillion’. These terms are referred to as ‘indefinite hyperbolic numbers’ – ‘indefinite’ because they do not represent actual numbers, and ‘hyperbolic’ because they are used to imply a larger size than the reality. What’s interesting is that everyone roughly agrees on the size these vague terms refer to, and that is because there are language models that underpin the terms and allow a general understanding of their meaning. For example, the word ‘umpteen’ has a generally agreed meaning of ‘big, but not bigger than a hundred’, using the language model ‘-teen’ from the two-digit numbers thirteen to nineteen. And the indefinite hyperbolics ‘gazillion’ and ‘bazillion’ use ‘ga’ and ‘ba’ as intensifiers to the root word ‘zillion’ (itself an indefinite hyperbolic) to suggest a number more than a billion or even than a zillion!
Which one of the following could be drawn as a conclusion from the above information?
A Indefinite hyperbolic numbers encourage exaggeration and rhetoric.
B Indefinite hyperbolic numbers are not misunderstood by native speakers.
C Indefinite hyperbolic numbers are more rule-based than might be apparent at first sight.
D Indefinite hyperbolic numbers use language models in unusual ways.
เฉลย: C Indefinite hyperbolic numbers are more rule-based than might be apparent at first sight.
16. The table below shows the results of an eye test carried out on the population of a small village. The bottom row of the table shows the percentage of each gender group that were able to read the bottom line of the eye-test chart:

What percentage of all those tested could read the bottom line of the chart?
A 18%
B 20%
C 21%
D 22.5%
E 25%
เฉลย: A 18%
17 During World War I (1914–1918), three hundred British soldiers were executed by firing squad for the offences of desertion and disobeying an order. To later generations, these sentences seemed so severe that a movement was set up to exonerate the executed men. Prolonged debate took place within the UK government about whether it was appropriate to issue a legal pardon. Wisely, it was decided that this was not appropriate. Too much time has elapsed for individual cases to be reviewed fairly, and a blanket pardon that made no distinctions between individual circumstances would be no more just. Social norms have changed so much that there can be no reliable evaluation of judgements made under the terrible circumstances of the war.
Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
A It is impossible to draw conclusions about any event that took place a hundred years ago or more.
B A crime committed in wartime is more serious than the same crime committed in peacetime.
C Capital punishment for desertion or disobedience was necessary to maintain discipline during the war.
D Some of the death sentences handed out during the war may have been more deserved than others.
เฉลย: D Some of the death sentences handed out during the war may have been more deserved than others.
18. Jasper’s school bag can carry up to 5 books. He stores the rest of his school books in his locker. He can visit his locker before school, at break time, and at lunch time to change the books he carries in his bag.
The tables below show his timetable and the number of books needed for each of his lessons. Each subject has completely different books.

On which day does Jasper not need to visit his locker at break time?
A Monday
B Tuesday
C Wednesday
D Thursday
E Friday
เฉลย: D Thursday
Questions 19–22 refer to the following information.
National daily newspapers
The sales of national daily papers in the UK reached a peak in the mid-1950s. Since then there has been a gradual decline in sales. The availability of multimedia news platforms has accelerated this decline in the 21st century, and by the close of 2014, no UK newspaper had daily sales exceeding two million.
Despite this decline, there is no denying the enormous power the national newspapers still have to influence public opinion. No papers have done this on a bigger scale than Rupert Murdoch’s Sun and the Mail under Paul Dacre. And no issue has ever demonstrated it more clearly than the divisive issue of Brexit.
Dacre became editor at the Mail in 1992 and resigned in 2018 (Figure 1 relates to his time in charge). Before and during the 2016 referendum – on leaving or remaining in the European Union – the Mail openly backed the Leave campaign, along with the Express, Star, Sun, and Telegraph. The combined daily sales of these brands was over 4 million, dwarfing those of the four Remain-supporting papers. No surprise, therefore, that the majority of the UK population was persuaded to vote Leave.
Figure 1
Percentage change in national daily newspaper sales, 1992-2018

Figure 2
Average daily sales of the nine national daily papers

19. Which one of the following is the best estimate of the average daily sales of the Mirror in 1992?
A 0.5 m
B 1.3 m
C 1.5 m
D 2.9 m
เฉลย: D 2.9 m
20. The following unlabelled graph compares the daily sales of five of the nine national daily papers between 1995 and 2015. Which of the five lines 1-5 corresponds to the data for the Mirror?

A line 1
B line 2
C line 3
D line 4
E line 5
เฉลย: C line 3
21. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the argument expressed in the second and third paragraphs?
A The papers with the largest sales do not necessarily present the best arguments.
B Most people want newspapers to report facts rather than present opinions.
C A growing number of people now access news on their phones and tablets.
D People buy the newspapers which express the views they already have.
เฉลย: D People buy the newspapers which express the views they already have.
22. Which of the following statements is/are supported by the data in Figure 2?
1 Between 2017 and 2018 the combined sales of the nine national daily papers fell by between 11% and 12%.
2 In 2016 the sales of the five pro-Leave newspapers accounted for more than 70% of the combined sales of the nine major daily papers.
A 1 only
B 2 only
C both 1 and 2
D neither 1 nor 2
เฉลย: B 2 only
23. As a cricket fan, one of the perks of my job is that my office overlooks Old Bridge cricket ground. I have a good view of the playing area, but an ill-placed advertising hoarding means that I can only see the very top of the electronically operated scoreboard. So for a score of 167 I see:

There is a match currently in progress. Returning to my desk a few minutes ago, all I could see of the score was:

Since then one of the batsmen has scored 4, 6, 4, 6, 6 and 4 from consecutive balls.
After the first 4 the part of the score that I can see didn't change.
After the first 6 it changed to:

It didn't change again until after the third 6, when it became:

After the last 4 it returned to:

What is the correct score now?
A 293
B 297
C 302
D 303
E 307
เฉลย: D 303
24. The chore of raising young chicks is one some birds manage to avoid. By laying their eggs in the nests of others, they dupe those others into feeding the babies once hatched. Such ‘brood parasitism’ has been noted in at least three groups, namely cuckoos, cowbirds and honeyguides. It provides a good example of convergent evolution, in which unrelated groups with similar ways of life evolve similar adaptations that help them thrive. The adaptation noted in these three groups of birds is that the shells of their eggs are significantly thicker than those of the birds they parasitise. To demonstrate that this is an example of convergent evolution, a benefit has to be shown to be associated with the adaptation. In this case, the thicker shells have been shown to provide greater warmth, enabling the parasitic chicks to hatch sooner than the chicks of the host bird – giving a greater chance of survival.
Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
A Cuckoos, cowbirds and honeyguides have evolved to avoid the chore of raising their young.
B The brood parasitism noted in cuckoos, cowbirds and honeyguides provides an example of convergent evolution.
C Chicks which hatch from eggs with thicker shells have a greater chance of survival.
D Convergent evolution can only be said to have been shown if a benefit is brought about by the life adaptation.
เฉลย: B The brood parasitism noted in cuckoos, cowbirds and honeyguides provides an example of convergent evolution.
25. Venus bars cost 30p each, Whizz bars cost 40p each and Flaky bars cost 50p each. Nicola spends exactly £2.40 on chocolate bars.
Which of the following statements are incorrect?
1 She must have more than one type of bar.
2 She must have at least one Flaky bar.
3 She must have 5, 6 or 7 bars altogether.
4 She cannot have an equal number of each of the bars.
A 1, 2 and 3
B 1, 2 and 4
C 1, 3 and 4
D 2, 3 and 4
E all of them
เฉลย: E all of them
26. People often comment on the fact that the sport of swimming has had a relatively high number of new world records set over the past few decades. Many other developments have occurred in the sport during that time, including the manufacture of swimsuits that create less resistance as swimmers move through the water, and improvements in the design of the starting blocks used in races. Even the engineering of swimming pools has evolved. Engineering advancements make it easier to maintain an optimal water temperature and other conditions in the pools where top competitions are held and the time records set. Most recently, computer software was developed that allows elite swimmers to analyse the tiniest part of their movement in the water in order to keep adjusting their swimming strokes.
Which of the following can be drawn as a conclusion from the above passage?
1 Swimming is likely to have a relatively high number of new world records set over the next few decades.
2 Natural ability no longer matters all that much in determining what swimmers can achieve in their sport.
3 Technological progress has played a role in swimmers being able to set new world records.
A 1 only
B 2 only
C 3 only
D 1 and 2 only
E 1 and 3 only
F 2 and 3 only
G 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: C 3 only
27. George enjoys reading newspapers and is considering whether he should take out any subscriptions.
Details of the daily cost and subscription tariffs for each of the five newspapers he reads are as follows:

George decides he will read at least three different newspapers in one format or the other each week. One of these must be the Times but it doesn’t matter which the other two are. He wants to read a printed newspaper twice a week.
What is the minimum George will need to spend in a year on his newspaper access?
A £110.00
B £131.60
C £143.20
D £149.60
E £153.60
F £173.20
G £200.00
H £260.00
เฉลย: D £149.60
28. Many countries are experimenting with legalising previously illegal substances, including marijuana and heroin. The rationale for the legalisation movement includes concerns about the financial and social burden of the so-called ‘war on drugs’, which is widely considered to be a failure, anyway. But what drug legalisation advocates forget is why certain substances were made illegal in the first place: taking them leads to behaviours that are harmful both to users and to the people around them. For evidence of such effects, we only need to look to Colorado in the USA. Following the state’s recent legalisation of marijuana, the rates of murder and of violent crime overall increased. This example shows that the drug legalisation movement is as dangerous as it is misguided.
Which of the following describe(s) flaws in the reasoning of the above argument?
1 It assumes that because the crime rise in Colorado occurred after marijuana was legalised, the rise was caused by this change in law.
2 It fails to acknowledge the problems associated with other substances which are already legal and more socially acceptable.
3 It concludes that drug legalisation has negative effects based just on the evidence from one place.
A 1 only
B 2 only
C 3 only
D 1 and 2 only
E 1 and 3 only
F 2 and 3 only
G 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: E 1 and 3 only
29. A survey at a leisure centre has found that 70% of members use the swimming pool regularly and only 40% use the climbing wall.
The following statements have been made:
1 At least 10% of members swim and climb.
2 All members either swim or climb or do both.
3 At least half of those who climb never swim.
Based only on the information given, which of the statements, taken independently, could be true?
A all of them
B 1 and 2
C 1 and 3
D 2 and 3
E none of them
เฉลย: A all of them
30. A recent study found an association between the number of self-help books new mothers read about caring for their baby and the well-being of those mothers – and it goes in the wrong direction. The more books women had read claiming to show how to put babies into feeding and sleeping schedules, the worse they reported feeling. The number of depressive symptoms they reported correlated positively with the number of books they had read. Most of the mothers in the study had used routine-led baby manuals that advise mothers to implement routines of feeding and sleeping, implying that such routines are easy to establish. One in six of the mothers in the study said the books made them feel like a failure.
Which one of the following can be drawn as a conclusion from the above passage?
A Women are using self-help baby books rather than seeking advice from their own mothers.
B Mothers who find baby care difficult are more likely to buy self-help books.
C Some of the mothers experienced difficulty establishing feeding and sleeping routines for their babies.
D Self-help baby books are doing more harm than good.
เฉลย: C Some of the mothers experienced difficulty establishing feeding and sleeping routines for their babies.
31. The share price of a company varies each day.
The graph shows the share price over a period of 10 days:

I buy £6000 worth of shares in this company in a single purchase during this period, and then sell them again on a later day in the period.
There are no costs associated with buying and selling the shares.
What is the difference between the largest and smallest amount I could sell my shares for?
A £2400
B £3000
C £3600
D £4000
E £8000
F £8400
G £9000
H £9600
เฉลย: F £8400
Questions 32-35 refer to the following information.
Not drinking in middle age increases the risk of dementia as much as drinking too much, according to a new report. Published in the British Medical Journal, the data showed that abstinence (drinking no alcohol) in midlife was associated with a 45% higher risk of dementia compared with people who consumed between 1 and 14 units of alcohol per week. The risk of dementia increased steadily for higher rates of consumption. However, the report’s authors concluded that the underlying mechanisms leading to dementia for heavy drinkers and those abstaining were probably different. The study did not take into account the subjects’ drinking habits before middle age.
The study tracked the drinking habits of more than 10 000 London civil servants between the ages of 35 and 55 from 1985 to 1993. They were then monitored for, on average, another 23 years. Of 10 308 baseline participants, a total of 397 cases of dementia were recorded over a mean follow-up period of 23.2 years.
The findings of the study are summarised in the graph below, which shows how the likelihood of developing dementia later in life depended on the weekly rate of consumption of alcohol (X) during the eight-year period between 1985 and 1993. The ‘hazard ratio’ calculates this risk as the following ratio:
proportion of participants that consumed X units per week in midlife who went on to develop dementia
proportion of participants that consumed 14 units per week in midlife who went on to develop dementia
The reference point of 14 units per week represents the government’s recommended maximum guideline for weekly consumption (equivalent to 7 glasses of wine or 7 pints of beer on average).

The graph shows that abstinence was associated with a higher risk of dementia when the reference point was alcohol consumption of 14 units per week. Consumption of more than 14 units per week was also associated with an increased risk of dementia.
The head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: ‘As this study only looked at people’s drinking in midlife, we don’t know about their drinking habits earlier in adulthood, and it is possible that this may contribute to their later life dementia risk. People who completely abstain from alcohol may have an earlier history of heavy drinking and this can make it difficult to interpret the links between drinking and health. Future research will need to examine drinking habits across a whole lifetime, and this will help to shed more light on the relationship between alcohol and dementia.’
32. According to the findings of the study, what level of alcohol consumption in middle age carries the lowest risk of dementia in later life?
A 0 units per week
B 4 units per week
C 6 units per week
D 14 units per week
E 18 units per week
เฉลย: C 6 units per week
33. The first sentence of the passage proposes a conclusion that the author draws from the information that follows.
Which one of the following is an assumption necessary to reach this conclusion?
A The relationship between alcohol and dementia risk does not vary with occupation.
B Drinking too much is defined as more than 40 units per week.
C Dementia is the only health risk associated with drinking.
D It is only in middle age that drinking habits increase the risk of dementia.
E People cannot develop dementia in middle age.
เฉลย: A The relationship between alcohol and dementia risk does not vary with occupation.
34. Approximately 40% of the study cohort consumed alcohol at the recommended rate of 14 units per week during the period 1985 to 1993. Of these, 80 went on to develop dementia in later life.
Based on this information and the findings of the study, what proportion of adults who drink the equivalent of 3 glasses of wine per day in mid-life are likely to develop dementia in later life?
A 1.8%
B 3.0%
C 6.0%
D 15%
E 30%
เฉลย: B 3.0%
35. Which one of the following, if true, would most undermine the claim in the report that not drinking alcohol in mid-life causes as much risk of developing dementia as drinking too much?
A Abstainers from consumption of alcohol in mid-life are more likely to become regular consumers during later life.
B Heavy drinkers in mid-life are more likely to develop health problems that lead to a life of abstinence later in life.
C Participants who were heavy drinkers in mid-life were more likely to die from alcohol related causes before they had the chance to develop dementia.
D People who are mentally astute in later life are more likely to have been able to make disciplined decisions to control their consumption of alcohol during mid-life.
เฉลย: C Participants who were heavy drinkers in mid-life were more likely to die from alcohol related causes before they had the chance to develop dementia.
1. The diagram shows some stages involved in genetic engineering.

Which row correctly identifies W, X, Y and Z?

เฉลย: E
2. A cleaning solution is used to remove limescale, CaCO3, from bathroom surfaces. When the solution is sprayed onto the limescale, effervescence (fizzing) occurs and the solid limescale begins to disappear. This chemical reaction is needed because the limescale cannot be removed with water alone.
Which of the following statements about this chemical reaction are correct?
1 The cleaning solution is acidic.
2 The effervescence (fizzing) is caused by the release of hydrogen gas.
3 The pH of the reacting solution will go down as the reaction proceeds.
4 The salt produced in the reaction is more soluble than CaCO3.
A 1 and 2 only
B 1 and 3 only
C 1 and 4 only
D 2 and 3 only
E 2 and 4 only
F 3 and 4 only
G 1, 2 and 3 only
H 2, 3 and 4 only
เฉลย: C 1 and 4 only
3. The diagram shows the forces acting on a cyclist as she accelerates at 4.0 ms-2 on a straight, horizontal section of road. The constant resistive forces are air resistance and a 300 N force due to friction.

The combined mass of the cyclist and bicycle is 50 kg.
What is the value of the air resistance?
A 50N
B 100N
C 200N
D 300N
E 450N
เฉลย: B 100N
4. The non-zero numbers p and q are such that p + q = 3(p – q)
What is the value of

เฉลย: B
5. The labels 1, 2 and 3 in the following diagram represent cellular processes.
The shaded areas represent processes that can happen without the use of energy provided by cellular respiration.

Which processes could labels 1, 2 and 3 represent?

เฉลย: A
6. A chemist used electrolysis to electroplate a pure copper rod with a layer of silver. The concentration of metal ions in the electrolyte was kept constant.
Which row in the table identifies appropriate substances used as the anode (positive electrode), the cathode (negative electrode) and the electrolyte?

เฉลย: D
7. A measuring cylinder resting on an electronic balance contains a liquid as shown in diagram 1.
A small solid object X is gently lowered into the liquid and no liquid splashes out of the cylinder.
The result is shown in diagram 2.

What is the density of the material from which object X is made?
A 0.40 g cm-3
B 1.33 g cm-3
C 1.60 g cm-3
D 1.90 g cm-3
E 5.00 g cm-3
F 6.00 g cm-3
G 6.33 g cm-3
H 7.60 g cm-3
เฉลย: C 1.60 g cm-3
8. Find the value of

เฉลย: E
9. A lizard was placed in a chamber with a constant flow of air. The temperature of the chamber was varied between 25°C and 10°C. Apart from temperature and time, all other variables were kept constant.
The carbon dioxide concentrations in the air leaving the chamber are shown in the graph.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1 Between 25°C and 10°C the respiration rate of the lizard is inversely proportional to the environmental temperature.
2 The data demonstrates that the lizard is only respiring aerobically.
3 The carbon dioxide could be detected by passing the air leaving the chamber through limewater.
A none of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only
E 1 and 2 only
F 1 and 3 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: D 3 only
10. Consider the non-radioactive elements in Group 1.
Which of the following statements is/are correct about the element with the largest atomic number?
1 It has the most vigorous reaction with cold water.
2 Its atom has the same number of electrons in its highest occupied energy level as other members of the group.
3 It is the most readily oxidised.
A none of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only
E 1 and 2 only
F 1 and 3 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: H 1, 2 and 3
11. A large metal sphere mounted on an insulating stand is negatively charged. A smaller, uncharged metal sphere mounted on an insulating stand is placed near to the negatively charged sphere.

The smaller sphere is connected to the Earth by a conducting wire. Electrons flow from the smaller sphere to Earth because they are repelled by the larger sphere. The smaller sphere is then disconnected from the Earth.
Which row must be correct about the particles in the larger sphere and the final charge of the smaller sphere?

เฉลย: C
12. Point M has coordinates (6, 3p−1) and point N has coordinates (1−p, 2). The gradient of the straight line joining M and N is −3 and it crosses the y-axis at (0, r).
What is the value of r ?
A −11
B −9
C −5
D −1
E 1
F 5
G 9
H 11
เฉลย: H 11
13. Which of the following is/are included in the carbon cycle?
1 amino acids in an animal
2 cellulose in a plant cell wall
3 lipids in a bacterial cell membrane
A none of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only
E 1 and 2 only
F 1 and 3 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: H 1, 2 and 3
14. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a manganese(IV) oxide catalyst produces water and oxygen gas.
2H2O2(aq) → 2H2O(l) + O2(g)
0.2 g of manganese(IV) oxide granules are added to 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 hydrogen peroxide at 20°C. The volume of gas collected is shown on the graph as curve X.
A second experiment is carried out at 20°C using the same mass of manganese(IV) oxide. The volume of gas collected is shown as curve Y.

Which of the following conditions could result in curve Y?

เฉลย: A
15. Which statement about waves is correct?
A All longitudinal waves travel at the same speed.
B Longitudinal waves cause vibrations perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.
C Sound waves are transverse.
D Transverse waves always travel faster than longitudinal waves.
E Transverse waves are all electromagnetic.
F Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal.
G Ultraviolet waves consist of compressions and rarefactions.
H X-rays cannot travel in a vacuum.
เฉลย: F Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal.
16. One side of a rectangle is

The rectangle has an area of 66 cm2.
What is the perimeter, in cm, of the rectangle?

เฉลย: D
17. A pea plant is heterozygous for seed colour and homozygous for seed shape.
Yellow seed colour (Y) is dominant to green seed colour (y). Round seed shape (R) is dominant to wrinkled seed shape (r).
Using the information provided, which of the following statements, taken independently, could be correct?
1 This plant contains the alleles Y, y, R and r.
2 This plant contains only the alleles Y, y and R.
3 This plant contains only the alleles Y, R and r.
4 The genotype of this plant for seed colour is Yy.
5 The genotype of this plant for seed colour is YY.
6 The genotype of this plant for seed shape is Rr.
7 The genotype of this plant for seed shape is rr.
A 1, 4 and 7 only
B 1, 5 and 6 only
C 2, 4 and 6 only
D 2, 4 and 7 only
E 2, 5 and 7 only
F 3, 4 and 7 only
G 3, 5 and 6 only
H 3, 5 and 7 only
เฉลย: D 2, 4 and 7 only
18. The concentration of Fe 2+ ions in a solution can be determined by titration with acidifed potassium manganate (VII) solution.
The ionic equation for the reaction is:
5Fe2+ + MnO4– + 8H+ → 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O
A 25.0 cm3 sample of solution containing Fe2+ ions reacted exactly with 10.0 cm3 of 0.0500 mol dm-3 potassium manganate(VII) solution.
What is the concentration of Fe2+, in mol dm-3 ?
A 1.00 x 10-4 mol dm-3
B 4.00 x 10-3 mol dm-3
C 1.25 x 10-2 mol dm-3
D 2.00 x 10-2 mol dm-3
E 1.00 x 10-1 mol dm-3
F 1.00 x 101 mol dm-3
เฉลย: E 1.00 x 10-1 mol dm-3
19. Cosmologists have deduced that soon after the Universe was formed it was filled with electromagnetic radiation in the form of intense gamma-rays. They have also deduced that the Universe has been expanding since that time. One effect of this expansion is that the electromagnetic radiation that fills the Universe is now in the microwave region of the spectrum.
Here are three statements about the effects of the Universe expanding on the electromagnetic radiation that filled the early Universe:
1 The expansion has caused an increase in the frequency of the radiation.
2 The expansion has caused a decrease in the wavelength of the radiation.
3 The expansion has caused frequency to change in direct proportion to wavelength.
Which of the statements is/are correct?
A none of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only
E 1 and 2 only
F 1 and 3 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: A none of them
20. To get to work, Sylvie first catches a bus and then catches a train.
The probability that the bus is on time is 0.6
The probability that the bus is late is 0.4
If the bus is on time, then the probability that she will catch the train is 0.8
If the bus is late, then the probability that she will catch the train is 0.6
Given that Sylvie catches the train, what is the probability that the bus was on time?

เฉลย: E
21. Which of the following statements is/are correct for a healthy human?
1 A protein section coded for by part of a gene consisting of 500 base pairs will have a maximum of 166 amino acids.
2 A liver cell and a mature red blood cell from the same person will both have a chromosome number of 46.
3 The number of adenine bases in an allele must be the same as the number of guanine bases.
A none of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only
E 1 and 2 only
F 1 and 3 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: B 1 only
22. Complete combustion of 35 cm3 of a straight-chain alkane vapour gave 105 cm3 of carbon dioxide gas. Both gas volumes were measured at the same temperature and pressure.
Which of the following is the molecular formula of the alkane?
A C2H4
B C2H6
C C3H6
D C3H8
E C4H10
เฉลย: D C3H8
23. A water jet pack has lifted a person vertically upwards, as shown in the sketch. He is now stationary at a constant height.

Water rises through the tube and is ejected at a speed of 15 ms-1 through two nozzles.
In a time of 12 s, each of the nozzles ejects 400 kg of water vertically downwards.
What is the momentum of the water ejected by each nozzle in 12 s, and what is the upward force due to the water ejected by the jet pack?

เฉลย: A
24. A cross-country running track is in the shape of a regular pentagon.

[diagram not to scale]
Competitors run clockwise around the track.
When on the third leg of the course they run on a bearing of 110°.
What bearing do they run on for the first leg?
A 034°
B 038°
C 106°
D 178°
E 182°
F 244°
G 322°
H 326°
เฉลย: H 326°
25. A student carried out tests to find out which molecules were present in a sample of urine from a human male. The student recorded the presence of large protein molecules in the urine, and suggested that this indicated that the kidney was not functioning correctly.

Which of the following could have resulted in a high concentration of protein in the urine sample?
1 damage to cell membranes between the blood vessels and the Bowman’s capsule
2 a reduced rate of active transport and selective re-absorption from the nephron
3 Cells in the collecting duct do not have receptors to bind to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and so are unable to respond to the hormone.
A none of them
B 1 only
C 2 only
D 3 only
E 1 and 2 only
F 1 and 3 only
G 2 and 3 only
H 1, 2 and 3
เฉลย: B 1 only
26. Diborane has the formula B2H6.
Assume that boron consists of two isotopes, containing 20% 105B atoms and 80% 115B atoms, and that all hydrogen atoms are 11H.
Molecules of diborane will therefore have relative masses of 26, 27 or 28.
In what relative proportion will molecules of diborane with masses of 26, 27 and 28 occur?
A 1 : 2 : 8
B 1 : 2 : 16
C 1 : 4 : 8
D 1 : 4 : 16
E 1 : 8 : 16
F 1 : 8 : 64
G 1 : 16 : 64
เฉลย: E 1 : 8 : 16
27. A 100% efficient ideal transformer has 400 turns on its primary coil and 100 turns on its secondary coil. The input voltage across the primary coil is 240V. An output current of 2.0A flows in the secondary coil.

What are the output voltage across the secondary coil, the input current in the primary coil, and the output power of the transformer?

เฉลย: B
Please indicate which task (1, 2 or 3) you have chosen in the ‘Task Chosen’ box on the answer sheet.
Each of the tasks consists of a statement in bold followed by three prompts. It is important that you address all three parts of your chosen task.
1. People are often motivated to deny the existence of problems if they disagree with the solutions to those problems.
Explain what you think is meant by the statement. Present a counter-argument. To what extent do you agree with the statement?
2. ‘In science, there are no universal truths, just views of the world that have yet to be shown to be false.’ (Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw)
Explain what you think is meant by the statement. Argue that scientists need to accept some things as ‘truths’ to advance their understanding. To what extent do you agree with the statement?
3. Teamwork is more important for surgical innovation than the skills of an individual surgeon.
Explain the reasoning behind this statement. Argue that the skills of individual surgeons are more important for surgical innovation or progress. To what extent do you agree with the statement?